Date(s) - 16/10/2024
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm


In the UK, the traditional pillars of public life—government, royalty, the law, the media, business leaders, and the third sector—have long served as the foundation for shaping society. Yet, in recent years, these pillars have been profoundly disrupted by the rise of influencers, celebrities, and the world of social media. This shift has democratised public life, with more voices than ever gaining the ability to shape public opinion and engage in societal debates.

Is this democratisation a blessing, or does it come with hidden dangers?

On one hand, the breakdown of traditional power structures provides unprecedented opportunities for individuals to challenge outdated assumptions, hierarchies, and injustices. Marginalised voices can now more easily find allies and sympathisers, forming communities of like-minded individuals across the globe. We are no longer bound by the limits of geography or traditional media gatekeepers when advocating for social change.

However, this same openness also grants influence to individuals and groups with questionable motives or harmful agendas. Social media and other digital platforms are increasingly being used by manipulative or extreme voices to spread misinformation, distort facts, and incite conflict. Discussion can rapidly devolve into heated verbal attacks, undermining productive dialogue and eroding the integrity of public discourse.

In this timely and crucial webinar, we will explore the dual nature of the democratisation of public life. Is this shift empowering a new age of social activism and accountability, or are we seeing the corrosion of informed debate and the rise of mob-like behavior?

Join us for an in-depth, interactive discussion led by Ed Mayo, a leading thinker in the field of values and the social economy.  He will set the scene for the discussion with his own thoughts, introducing key questions which will then be explored in breakout groups, allowing participants to delve into this challenging issue from multiple perspectives.

Please register here for this free event

Zoom joining details will be sent to all registrants in good time ahead of the event.

Ed Mayo is an entrepreneurial chief executive in the social economy and voluntary sector He is currently CEO at Pilotlight, which brings together people from the worlds of business and civil society for skills exchange, and is former Secretary General of Co-operatives UK. He was one of the team who started the Fairtrade Mark; was Chair of the Jubilee 2000 campaign which ultimately led to cancellation of over $100 billion of debt owed by poor countries, and led the work of the New Economics Foundation.

 This event is part of the World Values Day all-day Valuesthon – see here for information about the many other events being held on or around World Values Day: Valuesthon 2024 – World Values Day.

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