The UK Values Alliance held its Annual General Meeting on 27th November 2020. The presentation slides and minutes from the AGM can be downloaded below. UKVA AGM slides 2020 For any further information please email
The theme of Values in Action had just been chosen for this year’s World Values Day (15th October) when the coronavirus crisis unexpectedly exploded and confronted us with a life-and-death issue that now threatens every community on the planet. Times of crisis so often bring out the best in people, as our superficial concerns fall away […]
A reflective dialogue ahead of World Values Day jointly organised by UK Values Alliance and the Brahma Kumaris. In the peaceful atmosphere of Global Co-operation House in London, the international headquarters of the Brahma Kumaris, some thirty or so of us from different sectors of society gathered on 10th October to spend the day reflecting […]
The UK Values Alliance held its March Meet-Up on Friday 23rd March 2018. Please see the summary for details. March Meet Up Summary
The UK Values Alliance AGM was held on Friday 17th November 2017. The Minutes are available here: UKVA AGM Minutes 17 Nov 17.
For those UKVA members who have not been able to see the RSA launch ‘Closing the Values Gap’ here is the link . Unfortunately UKVA did not feature in the discussion but there were good contributions on how organisations can work towards living values in the workplace.
Since last September UK Values Alliance member Jackie Le Fèvre has been collaborating with Helen Sanderson Associates to develop a bespoke conscious values based recruitment process for Wellbeing Teams up and down the country. In this 1 hour webinar she will share some of the underpinning theory behind the design and the real world results […]
Please see below the link to a values-themed article for InnovateMySchool from Rosemary Dewan of the Human Values Foundation. With the mental and physical health of so many people hampering their lives, herewith our article for the Summer term centres around how a deliberately values-led school can help to ensure all young people are laying the foundations to […]
We are delighted to share with you details of a public seminar being led by Richard Barrett on March 16th 2017, in which Richard shares his latest insights.
A short film from Network of Wellbeing which highlights the top 3 values for the world to live by . It’s a compilation of some of the best bits they filmed for World Values Day.