a charity and company limited by guarantee

Contact: Rosemary Dewan, CEO
Charles Fowler, Chairman

Email: yes2values@hvf.org.uk
Email : charlesafowler@ymail.com

Tel: 01403 259711

Website:  www.humanvaluesfoundation.com

Patrons: Sir Michael Morpurgo, Prof Kamran Mofid and Dr Kevin Auton; Educational Adviser: Sir Anthony Seldon

Free services for organisations

The Human Values Foundation offers programmes to schools and youth-related organisations enabling children and young people to understand the crucial importance of positive values and learn how to practise them in every aspect of their lives, so developing the personal, emotional and social skills that will help them live a fulfilled and constructive life.  To date around 1800 schools in the UK have purchased these resources.  There are currently two programmes:

  1. Education in Human Values (EHV) – for children aged 4 to 12, and
  2. Social and Emotional Education (SEE) – for young people aged 12 to 14+.

The programmes consist of a teaching manual, fully resourced lesson plans and other materials including songs and also music for “silent sitting”.  Training videos for teachers/facilitators are also available, along with ‘Home Learning Units’ and ‘Partnership Learning Units’ which are short exercises that the pupils can do with key adults in their home environments, thereby promoting buy-in from parents and carers and stimulating interest in their children’s education.

Chargeable services for organisations

  1. Education in Human Values (EHV) programme for ages 4 to 12 (available in printed and PDF formats)
  2. Social and Emotional Education (SEE) programme for ages 12 to 14+ (available in printed and PDF formats)
  3. Training video for EHV
  4. Songs CD to accompany EHV
  5. Songs CD to accompany SEE
  6. Music for Reflection CD to accompany silent sitting (all ages)
  7. EHV Home Learning Units and Parents Booklet
  8. SEE Partnership Learning Units
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