Jackie Le Fevre, Magma Effect

Email:           info@magmaeffect.com

Mob:        0788 6922438

Web:      www.magmaeffect.com

Twitter:       @MagmaEffect

Free services for individuals

Pachuka – is an ezine produced 3-4 times a year by Jackie Le Fevre exploring different aspects of values in practice – previous editions are available to download from the website

Resources about Values – a small number of articles and short conversations about values are also free to download

Braveometer™ – a short profiling tool to provide insight into aspects of your life where you are already exhibiting courage, which you will probably find align with your priority values, and aspects of life in which you would like to be braver – www.braverthanyouthink.co.uk

Chargeable services for organisations

Individual and/or group/team/organisational values profiling using the Minessence Values Framework

Facilitative support to:

  • surface and articulate core values
  • catalyse alignment of governance and leadership to core values
  • design a roll out strategy considering policies, procedures, scale, purpose and metrics
  • capacity build staff to have the insights and resources to embed core values
  • explore core values and staff engagement levels
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