This is the latest article from Rosemary Dewan for InnovateMySchool and is available here. InnovateMySchool’s theme for October is about encouraging creativity to bring teaching and learning to life since no one education system fits all. With World Values Day around the corner, we hope readers will register the importance of our values and how they define us.

Rosemary Dewan is the CEO of the Human Values Foundation which supplies materials to help embed a positive values culture in schools. Every term, they write a values-themed piece for InnovateMySchool. In July, their guide for writers was: ‘What’s next? Innovators from across a wide swathe of education areas share thoughts, advice and products to prepare the students of […]

Women in Banking & Finance (WIBF) were delighted to welcome Alan Williams to the first Personal Excellence Programme event of 2018. Kindly hosted by RBS in the heart of the City we were delighted to welcome over 60 women (and a couple of men!) to hear Alan speak about personal values and the benefits of […]
“This book is a tangible expression of my value, “making a difference’. I left my career as a corporate lawyer behind in 2009 with the dream of making a significant contribution to the creation of genuinely effective ethical cultures in companies as a way to reduce corruption in the world. Working with individual organisations has […]
The UK Values Alliance AGM was held on Friday 17th November 2017. The Minutes are available here: UKVA AGM Minutes 17 Nov 17.

The role of Values on living our Life Purpose ‘When our purpose is served, the universe will change our form to something else, so that we may serve another purpose… Death enables us to change form, so we can move on from one completed purpose to another purpose. So it continues in a never-ending cycle,.. […]
According to the findings of the 2017 Sustainability Leaders Survey by GlobeScan and SustainAbility ‘integrated sustainability values’ has become one of the biggest factors in determining which companies are being seen as being leaders in sustainable development. This is encouraging evidence to suggest that values are indeed becoming the heart of our society. The Sustainability […]
Following the great success of last year’s Stories on Values competition, which showcased wonderfully imaginative stories from children around the world, the Human Values Foundation is holding the competition again to mark this year’s World Values Day (19 October). Just like last year, schools and other organisations involved with children aged from 7 to 11 […]
Culture, and the values that shape people’s behaviour over time, is an asset, or a liability, that has a lasting influence on the performance of a company. So, who leads on values? Ed Mayo shares the idea of the emergence of a Chief Values Officer role, and a template job description that resulted from a […]
‘Closing the Values Gap’ was a provocative lunchtime panel discussion held at the RSA on Monday the 12th of June. The aim of the event was to draw attention to the Values Challenge, an initiative of the RSA, the Forward Institute and the UK Values Alliance. On or before World Values Day on 19th October […]